Collabration with Professor Jianhao Lin's group in PKU
Our collaborative research with Professor Jianhao Lin's group in Peking University People's Hospital has been recently published in the following three papers. Congratulation to the authors.
1. "Engineered 3D functional tissue constructs using self-asembling cell-laden microniches" by Dan Xing, Wei Liu et al. Acta Biomaterialia.
2. "Intra-articular Injection of Cell-laden 3D Microcryogels Empower Low-dose Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis in a Rat Model" by Dan Xing, Wei Liu, Bing Wang et al. Cell Transplantation
3. "Comparison of chondrocytes in knee osteoarthritis and regulation by scaffold pore size and stiffness" by Yu Zhao, Zhifeng You, Dan Xing et al. Tissue Engineering Part A